Our Clinicians
At the Facial Secrets Clinic you will be looked after by our outstanding team of clinicians, innovators in their cosmetic medicine fields using their exceptional knowledge, skills, expertise and artistic touch to offer you completely new level of care.
Explore Anti-Aging Program
Anti-wrinkle treatments are a fantastic procedure to begin your journey into facial aesthetics & cosmetic medicine. One of the simplest and most straightforward of the range but bringing that fresh, young, happy and rejuvenated look and feel to the whole face and neck in days.
Dermal Fillers give us the whole world of possibilities to smooth the lines and creases, restore the lost volume, redefine contours and shapes and give your face that magic glow.
Mesotherapy is there to give that final touch to your skin, fine-tune and enhance it’s texture, quality and soft touchy feel.

Facial Secrets Clinic
Green Corner Villa, Rathmore Road, Torquay, Devon, TQ2 6NZ
Gosia: 07421131532
Oliwia: 07479391252
Oskar: 07976219994